A Somewhat Gentle Man


Sons of Norway

Trine is hit by a car


Anna fell down a staircase with Trine as a stunt coordinator.

Happy Happy

Otto did a stunt

Propane fire


Gullfisken 2010

Otto lowered Truls Svendsen down from the roof

Gåte concert

Hi-Fi Klubben Christmas Calendar Promo


Thomas is cycling down a hill and Pål Morten is stunt driving

Telenors Kulturpris

Gunnar was a stunt coordinator

Big One Hot Mexican

Dark Souls

Thomas did stunts

Olsenbanden Junior og Mestertyvens skatt

Gunnar was a stunt double for Torbjørn Harr and Kai was a stunt coordinator


Just another day at the office

Trine was stunt coordinator

Age of Conan – Rise of the Godslayer

Trine did motion capture

De Ukjente

Gunnar was a stunt man

Olsenbanden jr. og Det Sorte Gullet

Pål Morten was a stunt coordinator and Kai did stunts


Orps: The Movie

Pål Morten was a stunt coordinator


Gunnar was stunt-double for Kristoffer Joner and Rune did special effects

Subaru – King Winter


Pål Morten was a stunt coordinator and Kai and Tyrone did stunts

Long Flat Balls 2

Max Manus

We delivered a huge amount of weapons, special effects and stunts

Varg Veum – Sleeping Beauty

Pål Morten was a stunt driver, Thomas and Gunnar did stunts and Tyrone and Jeppe was stunt coordinators

Cold Lunch

Pål Morten was a stunt driver, and Gunnar, Thea, Kai and Tyrone did stunts

Varg Veum – Yours Until Death

Pål Morten and Tyrone did stunt coordinating and Thomas was a stunt-double for Trond Espen Seim