Dansken & Fingern

Roy made several small explosions

Rosa Armageddon

Pål Morten, Andreas, Sukesh and Lise provided various SFX and safety during the whole production, and Otto coordinated a stunt.

Letter to the King

Pål Morten and Tyrone was stunt coordinators


A kettle with window for filming boiling food



Lise did confetti and rain

Don Giovanni

Andreas was armourer for The Norwegian Opera's production Don Giovanni in 2014. We have also fitted a larger pneumatic rig to make an illusion of bullet hits in the wall.

Godset promo

Barry did large amounts of smoke on a football field


Barry made a smooth turntable on this commerical shot by Pål Laukli. Pål Morten helped out with rigging during the shoot.

Møllergruppen company short film

Otto coordinated some stunts and Pål Morten made a huge explosion

Rema 1000

Lise made falling snow with snowboys


Otto did stunts on Møllergruppens christmas party with a James Bond theme.

Soft Flora

Ask Embla – Fathers Eyes

Pål Morten made flames


Lise, Barry and Pål Morten made snow with snowcel, poweder frost and polymer snow

Company short film

Trosopplæringskonferansen 2013

Pål Morten did pyrotechnics during the musical performances.


One Night in Oslo

Securing a car being tipped over

Operasjon Arktis

Roy and Barry helped getting and clearing a large container for an ice-shoot in studio
oktan gaver

Kvadrat – Gavene som treffer

Lise made solid and soft presents, and Barry threw them at people during the shoot.


Lifting walls

Shockheaded Peter

Otto and Pål Morten taught Maria Blokhus about safety around body burn


Pål Morten was a precision driver for two months, driving with Russian Arm, Low-loader og Can-Am.

Se og Hør

Otto secured Stian Blipp hanging from a chandelier

Torsdag Kveld Fra Nydalen

hokksund royk

Øvre Eiker Dagene

Lise made smoke on a promoshoot for Øvre Eiker Dagene in Hokksund

Bloodlights – Roll With Me


Otto did safety and coordinated stunts and Barry made rain.

Ali Coffee